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Deal Casino Long Branch Nj

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The distance by car is 8 km. Get driving directions from Deal to Long Branch. Flight distance = 4 miles The straight line distance between Deal and Long Branch is 8 kilometers. Deal Casino Beach Club about 1930. Can see houses in the distance in the city. Find Long Branch hotel deals, discounts and special offers. Big savings on top Long Branch, NJ hotels like Ocean Place Resort And Spa, BUNGALOW HOTEL, Ocean Court by the Sea.

This is the intersection of Ocean and ChelseaAvenues. Crammer's Baths is to the left, Chelsea Pool is center, and ColumbiaBaths is to the right of it.. nothing in this image exists today.

Looking south, the Ocean Hotel is to the rightand the pier is immediately to the left. This is the first of many structuresyou will see located at this site. Dated August 6th,1903.


This is first Casino structure on the corner ofOcean Avenue and South Broadway. The New Casino was built on the south endof the block. To the left in this image you can see the newly erectedStatue of President Garfield.

This is Ocean Avenue and North Broadway lookingsouth. Dated May 23, 1910.

Poker benefits your health insurance. This is looking south from North Broadway. Thisis titled 'World's Finest Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ.' Dated August28th, 1928. The reverse print reads 'This improvement, madeat a tremendous cost, affords motorists an unequalled ride for five milesalong the ocean and amid beautiful mansions representing the homes of manyof America's most wealthy families.'

This is looking toward the pier from the frontgardens of the Old Casino.
This circular path can still be seen in most of the contemporary aerial views ofthis site.

Ocean Avenue looking north from Chelsea Avenue,Dated 1907.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated August21st, 1910. A Pavillion, but no new pier at thistime.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated July 8, 1908. Notepilings for the new pavillion on the beach. but, no pier.. the old oneis gone.

This is the corner of Ocean and Chelsea Avenue lookingnorthwest from the boardwalk.

Ocean Avenue just south of the pier. DatedAugust 27, 1931.

Ocean Avenue and Chelsea Avenue. Dated July3rd, 1930.

This is a view of the mini golf course on OceanAvenue looking north toward Broadway in the early 1960's.

A very old photo showing both the Hotel Vendome and theold Scarboro Hotel on the left. Dated June 5th, 1906.

The three landmark towers of the Howland Hotel, easilyidentified in this view of Ocean Avenue looking north.

Ocean Avenue looking north with the Hotel Panaccicolored brown in this image.

This is the intersection of Ocean Avenue and BrightonAvenue looking southwest. The Johnson's Club on the right was wherethe theater is, for the time being. The Rothenberg Building on theblock behind was located where Illvento's was. This photo postcardis postmarked August 19th, 1907.

Ocean Avenue looking south toward BrightonAvenue.

The northwest corner of Ocean Avenue and North LakeDrive.

The Takanassee Bridge looking south. DatedSeptember 14, 1919.

Lincoln and Ocean Avenues, 'Caution Motor Vehicles,Speed Limit 1 Mile in 5 Minutes.'

Looking west from the intersection of Ocean andAtlantic Avenues. Notice the gates across the road for the railroad whereOcean Boulevard is today.
Below is the same view from the front lawn of the Seaside Hotel.


The Seaside Hotel on the beach at Atlantic and OceanAvenues. See it years later below.

Yeah I know, it's not Long Branch. but it is agreat shot though. and I'm not going to be writing a Monmouth Beachpage! Looking west from Ocean Avenue. Dated June 14th,1909.

Looking west across the old railroad bridge.. youcan figure out from where! In the image you can see the radio towerfrom where Marconi made the first trans-atlantic radio transmition...e.

Music credit: 'The Rag Time Dance',Scott Joplin, Composer

This is the intersection of Ocean and ChelseaAvenues. Crammer's Baths is to the left, Chelsea Pool is center, and ColumbiaBaths is to the right of it.. nothing in this image exists today.

Looking south, the Ocean Hotel is to the rightand the pier is immediately to the left. This is the first of many structuresyou will see located at this site. Dated August 6th,1903.

This is first Casino structure on the corner ofOcean Avenue and South Broadway. The New Casino was built on the south endof the block. To the left in this image you can see the newly erectedStatue of President Garfield.

This is Ocean Avenue and North Broadway lookingsouth. Dated May 23, 1910.

This is looking south from North Broadway. Thisis titled 'World's Finest Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ.' Dated August28th, 1928. The reverse print reads 'This improvement, madeat a tremendous cost, affords motorists an unequalled ride for five milesalong the ocean and amid beautiful mansions representing the homes of manyof America's most wealthy families.'

This is looking toward the pier from the frontgardens of the Old Casino.
This circular path can still be seen in most of the contemporary aerial views ofthis site.

Ocean Avenue looking north from Chelsea Avenue,Dated 1907.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated August21st, 1910. A Pavillion, but no new pier at thistime.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated July 8, 1908. Notepilings for the new pavillion on the beach. but, no pier.. the old oneis gone.

This is the corner of Ocean and Chelsea Avenue lookingnorthwest from the boardwalk.

Ocean Avenue just south of the pier. DatedAugust 27, 1931.

Ocean Avenue and Chelsea Avenue. Dated July3rd, 1930.

This is a view of the mini golf course on OceanAvenue looking north toward Broadway in the early 1960's.

A very old photo showing both the Hotel Vendome and theold Scarboro Hotel on the left. Dated June 5th, 1906.

The three landmark towers of the Howland Hotel, easilyidentified in this view of Ocean Avenue looking north.

Ocean Avenue looking north with the Hotel Panaccicolored brown in this image.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj

This is the intersection of Ocean Avenue and BrightonAvenue looking southwest. The Johnson's Club on the right was wherethe theater is, for the time being. The Rothenberg Building on theblock behind was located where Illvento's was. This photo postcardis postmarked August 19th, 1907.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj Entertainment

Ocean Avenue looking south toward BrightonAvenue.

The northwest corner of Ocean Avenue and North LakeDrive.

The Takanassee Bridge looking south. DatedSeptember 14, 1919.


Lincoln and Ocean Avenues, 'Caution Motor Vehicles,Speed Limit 1 Mile in 5 Minutes.'

Looking west from the intersection of Ocean andAtlantic Avenues. Notice the gates across the road for the railroad whereOcean Boulevard is today.
Below is the same view from the front lawn of the Seaside Hotel.

The Seaside Hotel on the beach at Atlantic and OceanAvenues. See it years later below.

Yeah I know, it's not Long Branch. but it is agreat shot though. and I'm not going to be writing a Monmouth Beachpage! Looking west from Ocean Avenue. Dated June 14th,1909.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj Phone Number

Looking west across the old railroad bridge.. youcan figure out from where! In the image you can see the radio towerfrom where Marconi made the first trans-atlantic radio transmition...e.


This is first Casino structure on the corner ofOcean Avenue and South Broadway. The New Casino was built on the south endof the block. To the left in this image you can see the newly erectedStatue of President Garfield.

This is Ocean Avenue and North Broadway lookingsouth. Dated May 23, 1910.

Poker benefits your health insurance. This is looking south from North Broadway. Thisis titled 'World's Finest Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ.' Dated August28th, 1928. The reverse print reads 'This improvement, madeat a tremendous cost, affords motorists an unequalled ride for five milesalong the ocean and amid beautiful mansions representing the homes of manyof America's most wealthy families.'

This is looking toward the pier from the frontgardens of the Old Casino.
This circular path can still be seen in most of the contemporary aerial views ofthis site.

Ocean Avenue looking north from Chelsea Avenue,Dated 1907.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated August21st, 1910. A Pavillion, but no new pier at thistime.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated July 8, 1908. Notepilings for the new pavillion on the beach. but, no pier.. the old oneis gone.

This is the corner of Ocean and Chelsea Avenue lookingnorthwest from the boardwalk.

Ocean Avenue just south of the pier. DatedAugust 27, 1931.

Ocean Avenue and Chelsea Avenue. Dated July3rd, 1930.

This is a view of the mini golf course on OceanAvenue looking north toward Broadway in the early 1960's.

A very old photo showing both the Hotel Vendome and theold Scarboro Hotel on the left. Dated June 5th, 1906.

The three landmark towers of the Howland Hotel, easilyidentified in this view of Ocean Avenue looking north.

Ocean Avenue looking north with the Hotel Panaccicolored brown in this image.

This is the intersection of Ocean Avenue and BrightonAvenue looking southwest. The Johnson's Club on the right was wherethe theater is, for the time being. The Rothenberg Building on theblock behind was located where Illvento's was. This photo postcardis postmarked August 19th, 1907.

Ocean Avenue looking south toward BrightonAvenue.

The northwest corner of Ocean Avenue and North LakeDrive.

The Takanassee Bridge looking south. DatedSeptember 14, 1919.

Lincoln and Ocean Avenues, 'Caution Motor Vehicles,Speed Limit 1 Mile in 5 Minutes.'

Looking west from the intersection of Ocean andAtlantic Avenues. Notice the gates across the road for the railroad whereOcean Boulevard is today.
Below is the same view from the front lawn of the Seaside Hotel.

The Seaside Hotel on the beach at Atlantic and OceanAvenues. See it years later below.

Yeah I know, it's not Long Branch. but it is agreat shot though. and I'm not going to be writing a Monmouth Beachpage! Looking west from Ocean Avenue. Dated June 14th,1909.

Looking west across the old railroad bridge.. youcan figure out from where! In the image you can see the radio towerfrom where Marconi made the first trans-atlantic radio transmition...e.

Music credit: 'The Rag Time Dance',Scott Joplin, Composer

This is the intersection of Ocean and ChelseaAvenues. Crammer's Baths is to the left, Chelsea Pool is center, and ColumbiaBaths is to the right of it.. nothing in this image exists today.

Looking south, the Ocean Hotel is to the rightand the pier is immediately to the left. This is the first of many structuresyou will see located at this site. Dated August 6th,1903.

This is first Casino structure on the corner ofOcean Avenue and South Broadway. The New Casino was built on the south endof the block. To the left in this image you can see the newly erectedStatue of President Garfield.

This is Ocean Avenue and North Broadway lookingsouth. Dated May 23, 1910.

This is looking south from North Broadway. Thisis titled 'World's Finest Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ.' Dated August28th, 1928. The reverse print reads 'This improvement, madeat a tremendous cost, affords motorists an unequalled ride for five milesalong the ocean and amid beautiful mansions representing the homes of manyof America's most wealthy families.'

This is looking toward the pier from the frontgardens of the Old Casino.
This circular path can still be seen in most of the contemporary aerial views ofthis site.

Ocean Avenue looking north from Chelsea Avenue,Dated 1907.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated August21st, 1910. A Pavillion, but no new pier at thistime.

Ocean Avenue near Chelsea, Dated July 8, 1908. Notepilings for the new pavillion on the beach. but, no pier.. the old oneis gone.

This is the corner of Ocean and Chelsea Avenue lookingnorthwest from the boardwalk.

Ocean Avenue just south of the pier. DatedAugust 27, 1931.

Ocean Avenue and Chelsea Avenue. Dated July3rd, 1930.

This is a view of the mini golf course on OceanAvenue looking north toward Broadway in the early 1960's.

A very old photo showing both the Hotel Vendome and theold Scarboro Hotel on the left. Dated June 5th, 1906.

The three landmark towers of the Howland Hotel, easilyidentified in this view of Ocean Avenue looking north.

Ocean Avenue looking north with the Hotel Panaccicolored brown in this image.

This is the intersection of Ocean Avenue and BrightonAvenue looking southwest. The Johnson's Club on the right was wherethe theater is, for the time being. The Rothenberg Building on theblock behind was located where Illvento's was. This photo postcardis postmarked August 19th, 1907.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj Entertainment

Ocean Avenue looking south toward BrightonAvenue.

The northwest corner of Ocean Avenue and North LakeDrive.

The Takanassee Bridge looking south. DatedSeptember 14, 1919.

Lincoln and Ocean Avenues, 'Caution Motor Vehicles,Speed Limit 1 Mile in 5 Minutes.'

Looking west from the intersection of Ocean andAtlantic Avenues. Notice the gates across the road for the railroad whereOcean Boulevard is today.
Below is the same view from the front lawn of the Seaside Hotel.

The Seaside Hotel on the beach at Atlantic and OceanAvenues. See it years later below.

Yeah I know, it's not Long Branch. but it is agreat shot though. and I'm not going to be writing a Monmouth Beachpage! Looking west from Ocean Avenue. Dated June 14th,1909.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj Phone Number

Looking west across the old railroad bridge.. youcan figure out from where! In the image you can see the radio towerfrom where Marconi made the first trans-atlantic radio transmition...e.

Deal Casino Long Branch Nj Restaurants

Music credit: 'The Rag Time Dance',Scott Joplin, Composer

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